- Javascript
- Es6
- React
- Redux
- Next JS
- Bootstrap
Other Technologies
- Firebase
- Heroku
- Netlify
- Google Analytics
- GitHub
- Pusher
- Graphql
- React Native
- Metarial UI
- Tailwind Css
- Google Map
- Ghost CMS
- Wordpress
- Node
- Express
- JWT Auth
- Bcryptjs
- MongoDB
My Latest projects
Locks Craft
Full-stack MERN project.
- A web site providing all kind of locks smith service.
- Users need to login for booking a service.
- There ase admin panels for both the user and admin.
- In admin panel admin can create read update and delete data.
- Technology used : React js, Router, Firebase Authentication, Bootstrap, Node js, MongoDB, Express, Heroku, Netlify, Stripe.
A full-stack social media app
- A user can create his/her account. On creation s/he will get a welcome message though his/her email.
- In case one forgets his password s/he can also change his password after getting a confirmation link through email (sendgrid is integrated).
- Users can publish their posts. They can also delete their posts. There is a search functionality for searching the users by name.
- In case one User follow others s/he can also be able to chat with them in real time(Pusher is integrated here).
- Technology used: React js, Router, Bootstrap, Node js, MongoDB, Nodemailer, Express, Heroku, Vercel, JWT Auth, Bcryptjs, Cloudinary, Pusher.
University Department Management
A team Project on MERN stack.
- Students can see their class routine, class rooms and all.
- Teachers can see their class schedules, room and total attendance in the class.
- Both teachers and students can read books from library. They can also see the list of books they have read and books they are reading.
- To access dashboard student or teacher must login with their email.
- Technology used: React js, React-Router-Dom,Redux,React-Redux,Redux-Thunk,ReCharts, Bootstrap,Firebase
Book's Voice
Full-stack MERN project.
- A book selling website where user can purchase a book.
- User needs to login before accessing protected pages.
- In the admin panel user can see his/her orders details.
- Technology used: React.js, Node.js, Express.js, Firebase, MongoDB, Bootstrap, Heroku, Netlify.
Taxi time
A react based project.
- A site where an user can book a vehicle for going one place to another.
- Implemented react routing, protective routing, user authentication.
- Google, Facebook, and Email sign-in/login methods available.
- Technology used: React.js, Firebase Bootstrap, Netlify.
Dream league
A react routing based project where league data is loaded base on api.
- Users can see information about different types of leagues .
- By clicking on the see-details button they can see specific info based on league id.
- Banner and logo will dynamically changed in league details page.[default banner is set in case there is not banner provided by API]
Hello, I'm Sagar Biswas. A passionate Programmer who likes to explore new technologies and try something new with the time being. As MERN stack gives a facility to create a flexible and scalable web app, I found it much more interesting to start my programming career.
Front End: Javascript, Es6, React, Redux, Next JS, Bootstrap.
Back End : Node, Express.
Database : MongoDB.
Familiar-with : Graphql, React Native, Metarial UI, Tailwind Css, Google Map, JWT Auth, Bcryptjs, Ghost CMS, Wordpress.
Other Technologies : Firebase, Heroku, Netlify, Google Analytics, GitHub, Pusher, Jira.